Author: Robert Lucente
Tracking your heart rate is an easy way to monitor your cardiovascular health. Tracking your heart rate over time can give you valuable insight into whether your heart health is improving or declining...
The Importance Of Active Recovery Days
By Rebecca Roberts, PT, DPT
Have you ever felt sore and fatigued the day after a hard work-out, 5K, bike race, soccer match, or other activity? Similarly, you may have experienced increased muscle soreness,...
Body Composition Testing: What We Really Need To Know
Lets focus a little more on MUSCLE and a little less on FAT.
At Therapydia Kona, we have a unique body composition machine called the InBody570. The In-Body machine analyzes what your body is composed...
The Role of Physical Therapy in the Treatment of Headaches
By Rebecca Roberts, PT, DPT
A 2015 study found that over 14% of US adults have had a migraine or severe headache within the past 3 months, with rates as high as 23.5% in women ages 18-44.1 Severe headaches...
Basic Steps for Dance Injury Recovery and Enhancement
As a dancer, the summer is the perfect time to plan and prepare for the upcoming dance season. Since dancing is such a highly strenuous physical activity, it is crucial to ensure that your body is...
Faulty Breathing Pattern Can Cause Neck Pain
Blog post by Lev Borukhov, PT, DPT
One of the most common causes on neck pain and thoracic spine discomfort is ineffective breathing patterns. To understand the reasoning behind this, we have to take...
Improve The Timing Of Foot Pronation To Eliminate Plantar Fasciitis
Blog post by: Dr. Lev Borukhov, PT, DPT
Plantar fasciitis can be a painful and limiting injury. It often affects the bottom of your foot between the heel and arch. Plantar fasciitis is usually described...
3 Cross Training Exercises For Runners
If you’re a runner training for a big, or little, race, cross training is important to keep you injury free. If you just started to run and are going from couch to 5k, or a general training plan...
Running With A Physical Therapist
Written by: Stephanie Colasanti, DPT & Tyler Patrick, DPT, OCS, ATC, CSCS
An estimated 10 million in the US run and it is fast becoming the most popular form of exercise. From the cardiovascular...
How To Properly Warm-up Before Your Workout
By Jaime Granchelli, PT, DPT
Yes, it matters. It’s actually kind of a big deal. If you’re not physically warm before you hit your workout, you’re not ready. Muscles don’t like to be asked to move and...